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Introduction illustration

1. Your ID​

You can see which ID you're logged in with. Click on it to logout.

2. Side menu​


This tab contains all your drafts. Only YOU can see/read it.


This tab contains all your published content. It is accessible on your blog and anyone you have shared it with. You can still unpublish a story by editing it and clicking on the "unpublish" button.


Change your profile picture, your description, choose a color theme for your blog and more.

Get easy access to documentation, our blog, our Discord help page, the Github and more.

4. Main panel​

After creating a story (top right button), you'll see it appear here. If you don't see it, be sure to be in the right tab (draft/published).

4. Visit and create​

These two top right buttons give you access to your blog (published stories) and the editor to write a new awesome story.


Introduction illustration

1. Go back to your dashboard​

2. See under what name you're writing and the story status (Draft or Published)​

3. Save and/or Publish your story​

4. Access the story settings​​

Choose a cover image, add a meta title and description for the SEO, choose the date of publication and more...

5. Main panel. Write without compromise.​

6. Get access to shortkeys and hints. Check how many words you wrote coming soon​